Crochet Picot Leg Warmers

My 4-year old loves to wear leggings, even on freezing days, and I am always concerned that she will catch a cold…Plus on her ballet class days, she’s only wearing tights and sometimes we have to walk quite a bit depending where I can find parking.  Therefore, I think leg warmers will be a good idea.  Here’s one that I just did last night and will complete the other one tonight.  I got the pattern from Pinterest.



Tapestry Crochet Wallet

I’ve been off for the holidays and busy with the kids, so I haven’t been able to crochet/post anything.  This is my only achievements during Christmas.  I misread the pattern a bit at the beginning and that’s why there’s a bit difference between mine and the original.  But I just don’t bother to redo it since it looks okay to me.  Here’s my version:

The original (click here for pattern):